Sunday, November 8, 2015

Morrocan actress brutally beaten in Casablanca

Loubda Abidar, Facebook
Loubna Abidar played the role of a prostitute in Nabil Ayouch's new film "Much Loved." The french film recieved a mix of reviews, most of them grounded in controversy. Moroccan government officials took action and banned the film for it's use of sex and sexuality in the plot line.

Abidar, who received an award for her acting in the film, claims to have been attacked last Thursday, October 5 by a group of men with knives in Casablanca.

Abidar stated to Morroco World News that upon going to the police, she was told, "Finally, they beat you."

Abidar got away with her life, though she needed treatment for a slashed brow and bruises.

Although the pictures looked real enough, there were some inconstancies in Abidar's story. She was not able to provide detail of her assailants, she turned her phone off shortly after the attack so her producer could not reach her, and she made statements such as a plea with France for political asylum that she later retracted.

However, this incident opens the conversation about sex and sexuality as a stigma, in foreign countries, and in America.

Recently, singer and performer Jennifer Lopez performed in Rabat, the capital of Morocco. Broadcast on public television, the performance supposedly "disturbed public order and tarnished women's honor an respect," according to a report by the Independent.

Conservative Moroccan groups who opposed Lopez's performance are now attempting to sue the singer.

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